Faculty of Information Technology

My faculty in Satya Wacana Christian University. Mini Indonesia.


The Amazing RPG Game

Defence of the Acients or DotA is my favorite RPG games. You have to try it.

My lovely Notebook Product

Compaq is the best Notebook produk. I'm very like it. That's my first Notebook.


Tuesday 25 October 2016

PBP - Materi CodeIgniter Upload File

Materi CI tentang upload file gambar bisa di download disini.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

PBP - Materi CodeIgniter Pagination

Materi tentang CI Pagination bisa di download disini.

Friday 14 October 2016

PBP Materi CodeIgniter

Teman-teman kelas PBP, materi pengenalan CI dan CRUD CI download disini.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Tugas 2 PBP D (Ajax) Selasa 13.00-16.00

Tugas Ajax (Kelompok : 2 Org)

Buat menggunakan restful web service + ajax
Data Mahasiswa

Modifikasi latihan di kelas
tambahkan fungsi Edit (Nilai 20) dan Hapus (Nilai 80)

To: 672014603@student.uksw.edu
Subject: Tugas2_PBPD_NIM1_NIM2
Attach File : .rar/.zip
Deadline Sebelum Kelas (1 Minggu)

Download Materi Rest-WS
